In a Major update Tusesday (ie. 8th Dec, 2020) this week, Red Hat announced its discontinuing the support for CentOS Linux server. It will be instead focusing on the CentOS…
In a Major update Tusesday (ie. 8th Dec, 2020) this week, Red Hat announced its discontinuing the support for CentOS Linux server. It will be instead focusing on the CentOS…
Error - Package: docker-ce-17.06.0.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64 (/docker-ce-17.06.0.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64) Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9 Recently i was trying to install Docker Community edition RPM package as per the procedure outlined below URL -…
Chef Executable Generates applications, cookbooks, recipes, attributes, templates, files and custom resources Ensures RubyGems are downloaded properly for ChefDk environment Verifies all components are installed and configured correctly Pre-requisites Linux…
Purpose - Installing and Configuring Puppet in Master/Slave Configuration on CentOS7/RHEL7 Here we are going to setup Puppet in Master/Slave configuration on RHEL7. If you are using RHEL7 and you…
Purpose - To mount NTFS filesystem onto CentOS 7 server Pre-requisities - OS - CentOS 7 (Server with GUI install) Resolution - Step1: Install the EPEL repository package By default…
Purpose - Creating profiles in WAS 8559 on CentOS 7 Pre-requisites - OS - CentOS7 Websphere - Resolution - I have installed WAS 8559 NDTrail on CentOS 7 OS…
Purpose - Enabling the firewalld service and using the firewall-cmd command line utility to configure zones 1. Checking the status of firewall daemon # systemctl status firewalld firewalld.service - firewalld…
Understanding CPU load Average ================================================================ Load Average - It represents three numbers shown in the uptime or top command. The three numbers represent averages over 1,5, 15 minutes interval. Threshold…