NameError uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::MysqlServiceSysvinit

NameError uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::MysqlServiceSysvinit

Purpose – To setup a a very basic MySQL Server on Ubuntu 14.04 platform using the steps outlined in the mysql cookbook readme documentation

Cookbook                           – mysql cookbook from Chef Supermarket
Cookbook Version           – 8.4.0
Chef-client Version         – 13.2.20
Platform                              – Ubuntu 14.04
Use the documented feature for using Sysvinit instead of Upstart, which is the default, used for Ubuntu 14.04 platform.
The below line needs to added into the mysql_service resource for initializing the mysql-default service using Sysvinit
provider Chef::Provider::MysqlServiceSysvinit
Expected Results
 MySQL service with the name ‘mysql-default’ should be created and started up on the Ubuntu 14.04 platform.
Actual Results
       uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::MysqlServiceSysvinit
As per the documentation available for the Chef – mysql cookbook, the latest version as of this writing is 8.4.0 and the versions of mysql_service that are supported on Ubuntu 14.04 are 5.5, 5.6 as shown below.
|                | 5.1 | 5.5 | 5.6 | 5.7 |
| debian-7       |     | X   |     |     |
| debian-8       |     | X   |     |     |
| ubuntu-14.04   |     | X   | X   |     |
| ubuntu-16.04   |     |     |     | X   |
| centos-6       | X   | X   | X   | X   |
| centos-7       |     | X   | X   | X   |
| fedora         |     |     | X   | X   |
| openSUSE Leap  |     |     | X   |     |
Resolution (Temporary Workaround) –
Here is the environment that I have setup on my workstation for setting up the mysql service
Step1: Generate a Cookbook names testdb
                [root@desktop1 cookbooks]# chef generate cookbook testdb
Step2: Updated the metadata.rb file to include the dependency on mysql cookbook from chef supermarket
[root@desktop1 testdb]# cat metadata.rb
name ‘testdb’
maintainer ‘The Authors’
maintainer_email ‘’
license ‘All Rights Reserved’
description ‘Installs/Configures testdb’
long_description ‘Installs/Configures testdb’
version ‘0.1.0’
chef_version ‘>= 12.1’ if respond_to?(:chef_version)
depends ‘mysql’, ‘~> 8.4.0’
Step3: My .kitchen.yml file
Its basically using docker provider and Ubuntu 14.04 image from vagrant. Very basic and minimal
[root@desktop1 testdb]# cat .kitchen.yml
  name: vagrant
  provider: docker
  name: chef_zero
  # You may wish to disable always updating cookbooks in CI or other testing environments.
  # For example:
  #   always_update_cookbooks: <%= !ENV[‘CI’] %>
  #always_update_cookbooks: true
  name: inspec
  – name: tknerr/baseimage-ubuntu-14.04
  – name: default
      – recipe[testdb::default]
        – test/smoke/default
Step4: Generate a template file called mysql
[root@desktop1 testdb]# chef generate template mysql
[root@desktop1 cookbooks]# tree testdb
── Berksfile
── Berksfile.lock
── chefignore
── metadata.rb
── recipes
│   └── default.rb
── spec
│   ── spec_helper.rb
│   └── unit
│       └── recipes
│           └── default_spec.rb
── templates
│   └── mysql.erb
└── test
    └── smoke
        └── default
            └── default_test.rb
### Here I am copying the default mysql file that is present in /etc/init.d location by changing the
### location of the configuration file referenced to /etc/mysql-default/my.cnf  which is used to start the
### service
Step5: Updating the default.rb with temporary workaround steps to resolve the Error mentioned below
       uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::MysqlServiceSysvinit
[root@desktop1 testdb]# cat recipes/default.rb
# Cookbook:: testdb
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright:: 2017, The Authors, All Rights Reserved.
apt_update ‘daily’ do
        frequency 86_400
        action :periodic
### The below mysql_service resource gets configured using the default ‘upstart’ service manager
### This also creates the following config file /etc/mysql-default/my.cnf which will be used for
### starting up the mysql service
mysql_service ‘default’ do                                          
  port ‘3306’
  initial_root_password ‘test’
  action :create
### Here I am copying the template file that was generated in Step4 to /etc/init.d/mysql
template ‘/etc/init.d/mysql’ do
  source ‘mysql.erb’
  owner ‘mysql’
  group ‘mysql’
  mode ‘0755’
### Now I am starting up the mysql service using the Init service provider by Chef
service ‘mysql’ do
  provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init
  supports status: true
  action [:start]
Step6: Test the cookbook
[root@desktop1 testdb]# kitchen converge
Step7: Validate the mysql service
[root@desktop1 testdb]# kitchen exec -c “mysql -h -uroot  -s -e ‘show databases;'”
—–> Execute command on default-tknerr-baseimage-ubuntu-1404.
[root@desktop1 testdb]# kitchen exec -c “sudo service mysql status”
—–> Execute command on default-tknerr-baseimage-ubuntu-1404.
        * /usr/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.5.57, for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64
       Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
       Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
       affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
       Server version           5.5.57-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
       Protocol version 10
       Connection               Localhost via UNIX socket
       UNIX socket              /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
       Uptime:                  5 min 0 sec
       Threads: 1  Questions: 119  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 48  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 41  Queries per second avg: 0.396
Cookbook uploaded at following GITHUB location
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