Purpose - To setup a node with Tomcat web container instance using chef Step1: Generate a cookbook # chef generate cookbook tomcat_v8 Generating cookbook tomcat_v8 - Ensuring correct cookbook file content…
Purpose - To setup a node with Tomcat web container instance using chef Step1: Generate a cookbook # chef generate cookbook tomcat_v8 Generating cookbook tomcat_v8 - Ensuring correct cookbook file content…
Purpose - To set up a role for the node and define runlist and attributes Pre-requisites – Hosted Chef Server - https://manage.chef.io/ desktop1.example.com - Used for preparing cookbooks and recipes…
Purpose – To bootstrap a Linux node and manage it using Hosted Chef server Pre-requisites – Hosted Chef Server - https://manage.chef.io/ desktop1.example.com - Used for preparing cookbooks and recipes server1.example.com…
Purpose – Setting up Workstation where Chef recipes and cookbooks can be prepared and manage them using Hosted chef server. Pre-requisites Linux system – desktop1.example.com Step1: Sign-up for Hosted chef URL…
Purpose - To setup a Workstation with ChefDK software Pre-requisite Windows 8.1 OS Step1: Download the ChefDK software package for windows 8.1 URL - https://downloads.chef.io/chefdk Package name - chefdk-1.4.3-1-x86.msi Note -…
Purpose - To create a Cookbook for Configuring Apache Webserver using Chef Step1: Generate a Cookbook $ mkdir cookbooks $ cd cookbooks/ $ chef generate cookbook apache_httpd Generating cookbook apache_httpd -…
Purpose – Here we are going to setup a simple webserver using chef recipe and test the functionality Pre-requisites Chef DK already installed Step1: Install apache httpd package $ cat host-1_webserver.rb…
Purpose - Chef Basics - Managing server resource directly using chef-client ==================================================== - Assuming Chef DK is already installed on your machine $ chef-client --version Chef: 12.12.15 Chef resource describes…
Here in this article the very basic commands of git which we most of us will be using on the daily basic. We take the analogy of a Book project…
Purpose - Installing and Configuring Puppet in Master/Slave Configuration on CentOS7/RHEL7 Here we are going to setup Puppet in Master/Slave configuration on RHEL7. If you are using RHEL7 and you…