How to decode Websphere applicaiton server xor encoded passwords

How to decode Websphere applicaiton server xor encoded passwords

Purpose – To decode the Websphere application server xor encoded passwords

Description – There are situation were in we would like to decode the xor encoded passwords in the Websphere environment for datasources, security credentials. The below command would help you
in determining the decoded passwords in websphere application server environment.


1. For Websphere application server V6.1 and later

java -cp <WAS_HOME>/deploytool/itp/plugins/ “<password starting with {xor}>”

2. For Websphere application server V7 and later

java -cp <WAS_HOME>/deploytool/itp/plugins/<WAS_HOME>/deploytool/itp/plugins/* “<password starting with {xor}>”

3. For Websphere application server V8.5 and later

java -cp <WAS_HOME>/plugins/<WAS_HOME>/lib/bootstrap.jar:<WAS_HOME>/plugins/<WAS_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar:<WAS_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.common.jar “<password starting with {xor}>”

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