Integrate GitHub and DockerHub for automatedbuilds of Linux container images
Test Environment
Fedora 32 installed
Podman installed
DockerHub –
Its an Offical registry provided by Docker Inc. to Build and Share Images. We can push and pull images for various public respositories available in this registry. Its also possible to integrate it with GitHub and BitBucker to trigger Automated Build of Images based on the changes in the Source code.
GitHub –
Its a distributed version control and source code managemement hosting service. Its used to manage project source code and collaborate with various members for project development.
Here in this article we will build a basic Apache Web server container image by integrating GitHub and DockerHub. In GitHub we will be hosting our source code containing our Dockerfile and other Application related files. We will use DockerHub Automated Build feature to integrate with GitHub and run Automated builds based on the changes in the source code.
If you are interested in watching video. Here is the below youtube video on the same.
Procedure –
Step1: Create an account on DockerHub and GitHub if not present already
You need to create an account by Signing up on the DockerHub and GitHub portal if you don’t have an account already.
Step2: Create a repository named PodmanProjects in GitHub
Create a public repository named PodmanProjects in GitHub with optional LICENSE and file. Here the Git repository that i have created for this activity
GitHub Repository |
---| |
Step3: Clone the GitHub Repository
Clone GitHub repository |
[root@fed32 home]# pwd /home [root@fed32 home]# git clone Cloning into 'PodmanProjects'... remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (4/4), done. [root@fed32 home]# ls -ltr PodmanProjects/ total 8 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 59 Oct 26 13:14 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1068 Oct 26 13:14 LICENSE |
Step3: Push the Dockerfile along with static content web page to this GitHub reposotory
Create a Dockerfile under PodmanProjects repository that is cloned locally.
Dockerfile |
[root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# cat Dockerfile #: Version 0.0.1 FROM fedora:32 MAINTAINER Sudhir Bhoga "" RUN dnf -y install httpd COPY hello.html /var/www/html/hello.html CMD [ "/usr/sbin/httpd" , "-DFOREGROUND" ] EXPOSE 80 |
Create a static content web page
Static web page |
[root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# cat hello.html Hello Everyone. Welcome to Podman Learning |
Push the Dockerfile along with static content web page to the GitHub repository. Initialize the git user name and email address before commiting the changes.
Configure GitHub and push source code |
[root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# git config --global "novicejava1" [root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# git config --global "" [root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# git add Dockerfile hello.html [root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# git commit -m "Dockerfile for Apache http server with static file content" [root@fed32 PodmanProjects]# git push origin main |
Step4: Create a Repository in DockerHub and integrate with GitHub Repository
Here in this step we are going to create a new DockerHub repository named ‘apacheweb’ for pushing our Apache HTTP server image. You can carry out this step from DockerHub portal under Repositories section – Create Repository by providing the repository name and visibility.
Once this is done you need to configure the Build Settings to integrate DockerHub with GitHub. Click on the GitHub which showns Disconnected and this will take you to the page to Allow Docker Hub Builder to be authorized and allowed access to connect to the GitHub respository as configured with the details shown in below screen shot.
You can click on the Save and Build button which will trigger a build for the Dockerfile present in the Github repository which is connected now.
Step5: Validate the new image named apacheweb:latest under the repository
Once the build process is completed the new image with name apacheweb:latest should be visible under the repository.
This can also be validate by going into Builds – Automated Builds for our repository which will show the latest build status as SUCCESS as shown below if there are no errors.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thank you.
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