How to Install WebSphere Application Server NDTrial v8.5.5.9 using imcl

How to Install WebSphere Application Server NDTrial v8.5.5.9 using imcl

Purpose – Install WebSphere Application Server NDTrial v8.5.5.9 using imcl

CentOS machine
IBM installation manager downloaded

Step1: Installing IBM Installation Manager

[root@CentOS1 tools]# pwd

[root@CentOS1 tools]# ./imcl install -repositories ../repository.config -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse -acceptLicense    

Installed to the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory.

[root@CentOS1:/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools]#./imcl listInstalledPackages

[root@CentOS1:/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools]#./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories -prompt
Enter user name:
Enter password:

Enter the master password to setup credentials storage:
Confirm the master password to setup credentials storage:

Step2: Installing WebSphere Application Servver NDTRIAL

[root@CentOS1:/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools]#./imcl install -repositories -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere85 -acceptLicense -prompt
Enter the master password to unlock credentials storage:
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere85 directory.

Step3: Creating the Deployment Manager Profile

[root@CentOS1 bin]# ./ -response /home/sbhoga/Middleware/Properties/WAS/8/Dmgr01_profile.txt
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile Dmgr01 now exists. Please consult /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/profiles/Dmgr01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this 


Step4: Creating the Application Server Profile

[root@CentOS1 bin]# ./ -response /home/sbhoga/Middleware/Properties/WAS/8/AppSrv01_profile.txt
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile AppSrv01 now exists. Please consult /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this 


Step5: Federating Application Server node to Deployment manager node

[root@CentOS1 bin]# ./ CentOS1 8879
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv01 profile
CWPKI0308I: Adding signer alias “CN=CentOS1CA, OU=images, O=imag” to local
           keystore “ClientDefaultTrustStore” with the following SHA digest:
Realm/Cell Name: <default>
Username: dmgr1

CWPKI0309I: All signers from remote keystore already exist in local keystore.
ADMU0001I: Begin federation of node CentOS1Node01 with Deployment Manager at
ADMU0009I: Successfully connected to Deployment Manager Server: CentOS1:8879
ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:
ADMU0506I: Server name: novice1
ADMU2010I: Stopping all server processes for node CentOS1Node01
ADMU0512I: Server novice1 cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped.
ADMU0024I: Deleting the old backup directory.
ADMU0015I: Backing up the original cell repository.
ADMU0012I: Creating Node Agent configuration for node: CentOS1Node01
ADMU0014I: Adding node CentOS1Node01 configuration to cell: CentOS1Cell01
ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell.
ADMU0018I: Launching Node Agent process for node: CentOS1Node01
ADMU0020I: Reading configuration for Node Agent process: nodeagent
ADMU0022I: Node Agent launched. Waiting for initialization status.
ADMU0030I: Node Agent initialization completed successfully. Process id is:
ADMU0300I: The node CentOS1Node01 was successfully added to the CentOS1Cell01
ADMU0306I: Note:
ADMU0302I: Any cell-level documents from the standalone CentOS1Cell01
           configuration have not been migrated to the new cell.
ADMU0307I: You might want to:
ADMU0303I: Update the configuration on the CentOS1Cell01 Deployment Manager
           with values from the old cell-level documents.
ADMU0306I: Note:
ADMU0304I: Because -includeapps was not specified, applications installed on
           the standalone node were not installed on the new cell.
ADMU0307I: You might want to:
ADMU0305I: Install applications onto the CentOS1Cell01 cell using wsadmin
           $AdminApp or the Administrative Console.
ADMU0003I: Node CentOS1Node01 has been successfully federated.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thank you.