How to setup a Test Kitchen using Chef
Test Environment
Workstation with ChefDK and Virtualization tools installed
What is Virtualbox
It is a hypervisor that is used to manage virtual machine instances. Similar to VMware workstation.
What is Vagrant
It’s a driver that is used to manage the virtual machine. Uses a configuration file called Vagrantfile that is used to describe aspects of the virtual machine such as hostname, memory, cpu settings etc.
Test Kitchen
- Allows for testing the configuration changes on temporary test instance
- It runs the infrastructure code in a isolated environment that resembles production environment
- It builds the Vagrant file for the virtual instance
- Used to create, destroy and run Chef on the virtual instance
- Downloads the Vagrant box images
It’s a set of virtual machines that are created by Test kitchen.
Test Kitchen Workflow
- Create– It creates a virtual instance
- Converge– Applies cookbook to the virtual instance
- Login– It creates a SSH session to the virtual instance
- Verify– Manually verify if virtual instance is configured as required
- Destroy– shutdown and destroy the virtual instance
Step1: Examine the Test Kitchen configuration file
Let’s review a sample test kitchen configuration file which can be used to provision a centos server using vagrat provider for testing the chef recipes.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ cat .kitchen.yml
name: vagrant
name: chef_zero
name: inspec
- name: centos-7.2
- name: default
- recipe[learn_chef_httpd::default]
When Test Kitchen runs, it downloads the base virtual machine image called box (eg. Bento box from HashiCorp Atlas).
Step2: List the Kitchen virtual instances
Now let’s try to list the test environment that are available but not yet created.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action Last Error
default-centos-72 Vagrant ChefZero Inspec Ssh <Not Created> <None>
Step3: Create a kitchen virtual instance
Here we will try to create test environment using the configuration file available and check the status of the environment.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen create
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action Last Error
default-centos-72 Vagrant ChefZero Inspec Ssh Created <None>
Step4: Apply the cookbook to the Test Kitchen instance
Now let’s try to apply the cookbook onto our test environment and check the status.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen converge
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action Last Error
default-centos-72 Vagrant ChefZero Inspec Ssh Converged <None>
Step5: Verify the configuration on test instance
Here let’s try to validate the cookbook that has been applied to our Test Kitchen environment.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen exec -c 'curl localhost'
Step6: Delete the Test instance
We can delete our Test Kitchen environment once the testing has been completed as shown below.
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen destroy
[skytap@host-1 learn_chef_httpd]$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action Last Error
default-centos-72 Vagrant ChefZero Inspec Ssh <Not Created> <None>
Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thank you..
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